I’m Not Judging You…I’m Judging Me!

Why do us mommas…better yet, women, judge ourselves so harshly? I was literally sitting in the tub, and was hearing nothing but complete silence. Sometimes this is Amazing because I feel like I can actually hear myself think! Other times I am completely useless, I’m not going to lie. Ok, back to the point ofContinue reading “I’m Not Judging You…I’m Judging Me!”

Pet Peeves of A SAHM

How Many Do You Have? No really, I am so curious at just how many pet peeves you have to know if all of mine are normal or not…And I honesty don’t even want to try and think about just how many because I know some might raise a side brow. I was having aContinue reading “Pet Peeves of A SAHM”

How To Get My Kid To Eat More Than Pizza And Chicken Nuggets

Do You Know The Secret? PLEASE SHARE LIKE RIGHT NOW! How and why do we allow our kids to become picky a$$ eaters? I am still trying to figure this out eight years later. In the beginning I was great with purées with different foods and vegetables. He ate pretty much everything I put onContinue reading “How To Get My Kid To Eat More Than Pizza And Chicken Nuggets”

Managing The Loneliness of Being A SAHM

by Guest Blogger Momma Rene Goodman I have been SAHM for almost 8 years. There are so many rewarding aspects of it that no one really addresses the loneliness. Do not get me wrong I feel super blessed to be able to stay home with my kids. But a lot of time is spent with kids, doing kid things,Continue reading “Managing The Loneliness of Being A SAHM”

SAHM During A Pandemic

This is some serious sh*t Some days are easy, literally a breeze. I just smile and feel productive and accomplished…And there are days where I’m not myself, I question myself, my identity, my teaching skills, my cooking skills, my house maintenance skills…every skill involved with being a Stay At Home Mom I question. I startedContinue reading “SAHM During A Pandemic”

Do They Ever Stop Talking?

No, seriously, I need to know if kids EVER stop talking? Because all damn day I have to listen to him talk, ask questions, crack jokes, say disgusting things and get on my nerves!I do want to make it very clear before I continue my venting…I love my child with all my heart, everyday thatContinue reading “Do They Ever Stop Talking?”

How To Get Them To Let My Kid Go Back To School!!!

No, really, we need ya’ll to open something up for these kids! What the french toast are we suppose to do? The government and state workers that are keeping schools closed do realize not all parents understand what the heck these kids are being taught in class these days right? No…that would be too damnContinue reading “How To Get Them To Let My Kid Go Back To School!!!”