How To Get Them To Let My Kid Go Back To School!!!

No, really, we need ya’ll to open something up for these kids! What the french toast are we suppose to do? The government and state workers that are keeping schools closed do realize not all parents understand what the heck these kids are being taught in class these days right? No…that would be too damnContinue reading “How To Get Them To Let My Kid Go Back To School!!!”

You Want Me To Do What???

This can’t be life…Oh Snap, It Is! Ok, so let me first say, I am sure my blog will be all over the damn place. I won’t be going in “order of events”, thoughts or anything else for that matter. I just write in the moment, because that’s what I do best. When I needContinue reading “You Want Me To Do What???”

How To Get Them To Let My Kid Go Back To School!!!

No, really, we need ya’ll to open something up for these kids! What the french toast are we suppose to do? The government and state workers that are keeping schools closed do realize not all parents understand what the heck these kids are being taught in class these days right? No…that would be too damnContinue reading “How To Get Them To Let My Kid Go Back To School!!!”